Saturday, September 22, 2012

Assignment 1 -- Tracking Media Use

Response due Monday, 9/24 by midnight
(use comment section below to submit response)

As explained today in lecture, you have a homework assignment for this weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, I want you to take brief notes on your use of media. This doesn't need to be a "down to the minute" catalogue of your activities, but try to be as reasonably accurate as you can. For instance, your journal for Saturday morning might look like this:

Saturday AM:

Talked on the phone with Cheryl -- 20 mins.
Watched College Football on ESPN -- 2 hrs.
Listened to music on Pandora -- 30 mins.
Commented and chatted on Facebook -- 45 mins.

On Monday, return to your journal. On a separate page, re-organize the individual items (e.g., Listened to music on Pandora) based on instances of "mediated interpersonal communication" and instances of "mass communication" (Note: these are topics discussed in the chapter for this week). Then, after you've organized the individual items, determine how much total time you spent this weekend using media for interpersonal communication, and how much time you spent with mass communication media. Your re-organized journal should look something like this:

Instances of mediated interpersonal communication: 

Talked on the phone with Cheryl -- 20 mins.
Commented and chatted on Facebook -- 45 mins.
etc. -- xx mins.
etc. -- xx mins.
Total mediated interpersonal communication -- xx mins.

Instances of mass communication:

Watched College Football on ESPN -- 2 hrs.
Listened to music on Pandora -- 30 mins.
etc. -- xx mins.
etc. -- xx mins.
Total mediated interpersonal communication -- xx mins.

Some items might not fit well as "mediated interpersonal communication" or "mass communication." Don't sweat it. Place items in the category where you think they fit best, and put an asterisk (*) next to the items that presented difficult choices for you.

After compiling (1) your media use journal and (2) your re-organized media use journal, paste each as  a single comment below. Your comment is due at midnight on Monday (9/24). Please be sure to include your full name at the top of your comment.

This assignment is worth 30 of the 270 points available for the media explorations course component. I will use the following rubric to grade your responses:

30 points -- Executed all assignment components. Demonstrates firm understanding of subject matter. Is well organized and very easy to follow.

22 points -- Executed assignment components mostly as asked. Demonstrates reasonable understanding of subject matter. Is fairly well organized and generally easy to follow.

14 points -- Executed only some of the assignment's components. Demonstrates limited understanding of subject matter. Poorly organized and difficult at times to follow.

6 points -- No evidence of having given the assignment real thought. Minimal or no understanding of subject matter. No organization is evident. Reads like a last minute effort.

0 points -- No assignment submitted or submitted late.


  1. Valerie Rodriguez
    Comm 320
    September 24, 2012

    -Woke up with alarm on phone at 8:00am
    -Watched “Good Luck Charlie” on Disney Channel while I got ready for work- 30 minutes
    -Called my boyfriend before I went to work- 10 minutes
    -Called my mom before I went to work- 10 minutes
    -Listened to my IPod on the way to work in my car-15 minutes
    - Used Instagram app and commented on photos during my break at work- 15 minutes
    - Got off work and listened to IPod on the way home- 15 minutes
    -Watched DVR recordings of a 9/11 special on A&E- 2 hours
    -Called my boyfriend to meet up for dinner- 15 minutes

    -Woke up with alarm on phone at 8:00 AM
    -Called my boyfriend- 10 minutes
    -Listened to IPod on the way to church- 20 minutes
    -Used LA Times App to read news- 15 minutes
    -Called my mom and dad to meet for lunch- 10 minutes
    -Watched football with boyfriend- 3 hours
    -Used Instagram app and commented on photos- 30 minutes
    -Used Mac computer- 1 hour

    Instances on mediated interpersonal communication:
    -Called my boyfriend before I went to work- 10 minutes
    -Called my mom before I went to work- 10 minutes
    -Called my boyfriend to meet up for dinner- 15 minutes
    -Called my boyfriend- 10 minutes
    -Called my mom and dad to meet for lunch- 10 minutes

    Phone: 55 minutes
    Total mediated interpersonal communication- 55 minutes

    Instances of mass communication:
    -Woke up with alarm on phone at 8:00am
    -Watched “Good Luck Charlie” on Disney Channel while I got ready for work- 30 minutes
    -Listened to my IPod on the way to work in my car-15 minutes
    - Used Instagram app and commented on photos during my break at work- 15 minutes
    - Got off work and listened to IPod on the way home- 15 minutes
    -Watched DVR recordings of a 9/11 special on A&E- 2 hours
    -Woke up with alarm on phone at 8:00 AM
    -Listened to IPod on the way to church- 20 minutes
    -Used LA Times App to read news- 15 minutes
    -Watched football with boyfriend- 3 hours
    -Used Instagram app and commented on photos- 30 minutes
    -Used Mac computer- 1 hour

    Cell phone Apps: 1 Hour
    Television: 5 hours, 30 minutes
    IPod: 50 minutes
    Mac Computer: 1 hour

    Total mediated mass communication: 8 hours, 20 minutes

  2. Darrell Chindlund
    Comm 320

    Saturday, September 22
    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:

    Checked and responded to e-mail-- 3min.

    Text messaged Melissa—10min.
    Checked and commented on Facebook—15min.
    Checked and responded to e-mail— 5min.
    Checked and tweeted on Twitter-- 25min.

    Checked and commented on Facebook—15min.
    Checked and tweeted on Twitter-- 30min.

    Total mediated interpersonal communication: 1hrs. 43min.
    Instances of mass communication:

    Had DVD playing in the background—47min.
    Listened to music to and from work—36min.
    Looked up stuff on the Internet—43min.

    Watched DVDs—4hrs. 30min.
    Listened to music on the way to the store-- 40min.
    Used Internet to check blackboard—20min.

    Played DVDs—5hrs.
    Read Media Today—20min.
    Played Arkham City video game—1 hour 14min.

    Total mass communication: 14hrs.
    Sunday, September 23
    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:

    Checked Facebook—4min.
    Checked Twitter-- 4min.
    Checked e-mail— 1min.

    Text messaged Kevin and Melissa— 35min.
    Checked and commented on Facebook—15min.
    Checked and tweeted on Twitter—15min.

    Sent and received texts from Melissa— 20min.
    Checked and commented on Facebook—5min.
    Checked and tweeted on Twitter—2min.
    Checked e-mail—2min.

    Total mediated interpersonal communication: 1hr. 43min.
    Instances of mass communication:

    Played Arkham City on X-box— 2hrs.
    Read books for school—2hrs. 30min.
    Looked at—15min.

    Watched 3rd Rock DVD—1 hour 20min.
    Listened to iPod while driving to and from Petsmart— 25min.
    Looked up information on dog training—35min.

    Watched the Emmy’s and Bob’s Burgers—3hrs. 30min.
    Wasted time on the Internet—30min.

    Total mass communication: 10hrs. 05min.

    Total weekend mediated interpersonal communication use: 2hrs. 26min.
    Total weekend mass communication use: 24hrs. 5min.

  3. Ericka Ruiz
    Comm 320

    Saturday(9 am-10 pm)

    Radio Listened to the radio play on the overhead at work.(Home Depot) - continuous music 6 hr
    Phone calls Used the phone through out my shift (with customers) 2 hr
    Cellphone/text During my lunch chatted with some friends, and after dinner talked on the phone 3 hr
    Tv/movie Watched The Hunger Games with family after work 2.5 hr
    Internet Checked my email, went on eBay, browsed on face book 3 hr
    -------------------- Total------à>>> 16.5 hours

    Sunday (8-10pm)

    Internet Morning: checked my eBay account and surfed the internet for top news 2 hr
    Radio Listened to Pandora while browsing online & car radio 3 hr
    T.V/karaoke Turned on the karaoke after dinner with family 2 hr
    Wii Played wii fit with cousins 1 hr
    Cellphone Texted through out the day and made few phone calls 4 hr
    Social network Facebook and instagram 3 hr
    -------------------- Total------> 15 hours
    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication
    Made several calls at work with customers - 2 hours
    Used my own cellphone to text and made few phone calls-3 hours
    Checked my email and went on eBay 3 hours
    Woke up and checked my email again and browsed the internet -2hrs
    Made phone calls with family members and texted the whole day -4hrs
    Used instagram to comment on others (phone app) -3hrs
    Played wii fit with family -1 hr
    Total - 18 hours

    Instances of mediated mass media
    Listened to the radio at work play continuously -6 hrs
    Watched The Hunger Games movie -2.5hrs
    Played Pandora online radio and car radio - 3hrs
    Played karaoke on the television -2hrs
    Total -13.5 hours

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Antonio Suarez
    COMM 320
    September 24, 2012

    Media Use Journal

    Friday (9/21):

    Text Messaging: 2 hrs
    Phone-- Pandora: 45 mins
    Internet-- Blackboard: 50 mins
    Internet-- Netflix: 2 hrs
    Phone-- FaceTime: 30 mins
    Phone-- Instagram: 6 mins
    Phone-- checked E-mail: 4 mins
    Phone-- POLITICO: 1 hr

    Saturday (9/22):

    Internet-- Twitter 25 mins
    Phone-- Maps (for directions): 45 mins
    Text Messaging-- 4 hrs
    Spoke to Mom via-phone: 5 mins
    Phone-- checked E-mail: 5 mins

    Sunday (9/23):

    Internet-- Facebook: 3 hrs
    Television-- OnDemand: 1.5 hrs
    Internet-- Blackboard: 2 hrs
    Text Messaging: 1 hr
    Phone-- checked E-mail: 5 mins
    Internet-- Twitter: 20 mins

    Re-Organized Media Use Journal

    Instances of Mediated Interpersonal Communication

    Text Messaging: 7 hrs
    Phone-- FaceTime: 30 mins
    Phone-- Instagram: 6 mins
    Phone-- checked & replied to E-mail: 14 mins
    Spoke to Mom via-phone: 5 mins
    Internet-- Facebook: 3 hrs
    Internet-- TWitter: 45 mins

    Total Time: 11 hrs, 40 mins

    Instances of Mass Communication

    Phone-- Pandora*: 45 mins
    Internet-- Blackboard: 2 hrs, 50 mins
    Phone-- POLITICO: 1 hr
    Internet-- Netflix*: 2 hrs
    Phone-- Maps (for directions)*: 45 mins
    Television-- OnDemand*: 1.5 hrs

    Total Time: 8 hrs, 50 mins

  6. Miguel Gomez
    Comm 320
    September 24, 2012
    Tracking Media Use
    Woke up watched college football – 3 hours
    Drove to a wedding listened to slacker radio – 30 min
    Texted various people – 1 hour

    Woke up watched several football games – 4 hours
    Drove to a family get together and listened to slacker radio – 30 min
    Texted various people – 3 hours
    Watched a couple movies with friends – 4 hours

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:
    Texted various people – 4 hours
    Watched a couple movies with friends – 4 hours

    Total hours mediated interpersonal communication – 8 hours

    Instances of mass communication:
    Woke up watched college football – 3 hours
    Drove to a wedding listened to slacker radio – 30 min
    Woke up watched several football games – 4 hours
    Drove to a family get together and listened to slacker radio – 30 min

    Total mass communication – 8 hours

  7. Crystal Rivera
    COMM 320

    Media Use Journal

    Saturday AM:

    Texted Cynthia back and forth: 20 minutes
    Surfed Internet: 1 hour
    Checked Instagram: 25 minutes
    Talked on phone with James: 10 minutes

    Saturday PM:

    Listened to Recorded music in car: 30 minutes
    Watched a movies in theatres: 2 hours, 15 minutes
    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes
    Checked Twitter: 10 minutes
    Sent e-mail to team members: 10 minutes
    Watched movie at Cynthia's house: 45 minutes
    Texted James back and forth: 15 minutes

    Sunday AM:

    Used Flipboard app: 15 minutes
    Listened to recorded music: 35 minutes

    Sunday PM:

    Watched movies on TV: 2 hours
    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes
    Listened to recorded music in car: 25 minutes
    Texted Arline back and forth: 15 minutes
    Listened to recorded music in car: 15 minutes
    Surfed internet: 20 minutes
    Texted Cynthia and James back and forth: 1 hour
    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:

    Texted Cynthia back and forth: 20 minutes
    Checked Instagram: 25 minutes
    Talked on phone with James: 10 minutes
    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes
    Checked Twitter: 15 minutes
    Sent e-mail to team members: 10 minutes
    Texted James back and forth: 15 minutes

    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes
    Texted Arline back and forth: 15 minutes
    Texted Cynthia and James back and forth: 1 hour
    Checked Instagram: 15 minutes

    Total mediated interpersonal time: 3 hours, 35 minutes

    Instances of mass communication:

    Surfed Internet: 1 hour
    Listened to Recorded music in car: 30 minutes
    Watched a movies in theatres: 2 hours, 15 minutes
    Watched movie at Cynthia's house: 45 minutes

    Used Flipboard app: 15 minutes
    Listened to recorded music in car: 35 minutes
    Watched movies on TV: 1.5 hours
    Listened to recorded music in car: 25 minutes
    Listened to recorded music in car: 15 minutes
    Surfed internet: 20 minutes

    Total mass communication: 9 hours, 25 minutes

  8. Ryan Navaroli
    COMM 320


    Talked on phone with Gina – 20 mins
    Text messaged best friend – 15 mins
    Listened to iPod – 45 mins


    Talked on phone with Steven – 10 mins
    Text messaged friends – 40 mins
    Listened to Spotify on Computer – 35 mins
    Checked email – 5 mins


    Text messaged friends – 60 mins
    Talked on phone with brother – 15 mins
    Listened to iPod – 30 mins


    Text messaged friends – 35 mins
    Surfed the Internet – 30 mins
    Facebook – 15 mins
    Checked email – 5 mins
    Watched Netflix – 120 mins


    Talked on phone with Gina – 20 mins
    Text messaged best friend – 15 mins
    Talked on phone with Steven – 10 mins
    Text messaged friends – 40 mins
    *Checked email – 5 mins
    Text messaged friends – 60 mins
    Talked on phone with brother – 15 mins
    Text messaged friends – 35 mins
    *Facebook – 15 mins
    *Checked email – 5 mins

    TOTAL MEDIATED INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: 220 mins (3 hours and 40 mins)


    Listened to iPod – 45 mins
    Listened to Spotify on Computer – 35 mins
    Listened to iPod – 30 mins
    Surfed the Internet – 30 mins
    Watched Netflix – 120 mins

    TOTAL MASS COMMUNICATION: 260 mins (4 hours and 20 mins)

  9. Taylor Ruthford
    Comm 320

    Saturday, September 22
    - Checked all of my email accounts 30 min
    - Watched Oregon St. vs. UCLA on ABC 3 hrs
    - Commented on Facebook posts 15 min
    - Talked to my friend on the phone for 10 min
    - Listened to pandora on my way to rehearsal 30 min
    - Watched USC vs. Cal 3 hours
    - Listened to pandora on my way home 30 min
    - Used iphone app Instagram to look/like photo's 15 min
    - Commented and chatted with friends on Facebook 1 hour
    - Watched the Replacements on TBS for 2.5 hours

    Sunday, September 23
    - Watched San Francisco 49ers vs. Minnesota Vikings 3 hours
    - Checked email accounts 30 min
    - Watched Oakland Raiders vs. Pittsburgh Steelers 3 hours
    - Chatted/Commented on Facebook 1 hour
    - Talked to my girlfriend for 10 min
    - Watched New England Patriots vs. Baltimore Ravens 3 hours
    - Watched Dateline on NBC 1 hour
    - Texted my Girlfriend for 30 min
    - Checked my Facebook 30 min

    Instances Of Mediated Interpersonal Communication:
    - Checked all of my email accounts 30 min
    - Commented on friends posts on Facebook 20 min
    - Used Iphone app Instagram to like/comment on pictures 10 min
    - Talked to my friend Chase on the phone 5 min
    - Talked to my girlfriend on the phone 5 min
    - Used Instagram 10 min
    - Checked/chatted on Facebook 30 min

    Total Mediated Interpersonal Communication time: 240 minuets (4 hours)

    Instances of Mass Communication
    - Watched Oregan St. vs. UCLA 3 hours
    - Listened to pandora in my car 1 hour
    - Watched the Replacements on TV 2.5 hours
    - Watched Oakland Raiders vs. Pittsburgh Steelers 3 hours
    - Watched Dateline NBC 1 hour

    Instances of Mass Communication: 19.5 hours

  10. Cali Carter
    Comm. 320

    Media Use Journal
    Saturday Media Use (8AM-12 Midnight)
    Watched Roseanne and various snippets of television: 2 hours
    Texting with boyfriend: 4 hours
    Went onto Facebook: 20 minutes
    Internet usage: 50 minutes

    Listened to radio in car: 1 hour
    Texting with Keri: 30 minutes
    Went onto Facebook: 45 minutes
    Checked e-mail: 20 minutes
    Reading for COMM classes online: 5 hours 15 minutes
    Watched Comedy Central: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Sunday Media Use (7AM-10PM)
    Watched Roseanne: 2 hours
    Texting with boyfriend: 3 hours 40 minutes
    Internet browsing/shopping: 2 hours 30 minutes

    Listened to iPod at gym: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Watched Food Network: 1 hours
    Texting with boyfriend and Jen: 4 hours
    Checked/commented on photos on Instagram: 20 minutes
    Watched I Love Lucy episode DVDs: 1 hour 40 minutes

    Instances of Mass Communication:
    Watched Roseanne and various snippets of television: 2 hours
    Internet usage: 50 minutes
    Listened to radio in car: 1 hour
    Watched Comedy Central: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Watched Roseanne: 2 hours
    Internet browsing/shopping: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Watched Food Network: 1 hour
    Watched I Love Lucy episode DVDs: 1 hour 40 minutes
    Listened to iPod at gym: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Total Time Used With Mass Communication:
    = 14 hours

    Instances of Interpersonal Communication:
    Texting with boyfriend: 4 hours
    Went onto Facebook to check photo comments: 20 minutes
    Texting with Keri: 30 minutes
    Went onto Facebook to chat/comment: 45 minutes
    Checked e-mail: 20 minutes
    Reading for COMM classes online: 5 hours 15 minutes
    Texting with boyfriend: 3 hours 40 minutes
    Texting with boyfriend and Jen: 4 hours
    Checked/commented on photos on Instagram: 20 minutes

    Total Mediated Interpersonal Communication:
    =19 hours 10 minutes

  11. Carolina McCarthy
    Comm 320

    listened to radio (at home,in car and at work)- 5 hrs 30 mins
    calls to Kristina, Bryan, Burleena and Katie- 5 mins (total)
    texts to various people- 30 mins
    internet (email, blackboard, repnation.)- 30 mins
    facebook- 30 mins
    newspaper, television, movies, video games and Ipod- 0 hrs

    listened to radio (at home, in car and at work)- 7 hours
    calls to Katie, Michelle and Meghann- 10 mins (total)
    texts to various people- 30 mins
    internet (email, blackboard, amazon, csusb, repnation)- 2 hours
    facebook- 30 mins
    newspaper, television, movies, video games and Ipod- 0hrs

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:
    calls to Kristina, Bryan, Burleena and Katie- 5 mins
    texts to various people- 30 mins
    facebook- 30 mins

    calls to Katie, Michelle and Meghann- 10 mins
    texts to various people- 30 mins
    facebook- 30 mins

    Total amount of time using mediated interpersonal communication this weekend: 2hrs 15 mins.

    Instances of mass communication:
    listened to radio (at home,in car and at work)- 5 hrs 30 mins
    *internet (email, blackboard, repnation)-30 mins

    listened to radio (at home, in car and at work)- 7 hours
    *internet (email, blackboard, amazon, csusb, repnation)- 2hrs

    Total amount of time using mass communication this weekend: 15 hours

  12. Sarah Hope Colorado
    COMM 320

    Saturday, September 22:

    -Watched TV episodes on youtube on my laptop- 2 hours
    -Listened to music on pandora on my laptop- 6 hours
    -Browsed twitter on my laptop- 1.5 hours
    -Checked and replied to my mail on yahoo on my laptop- 1.5 hours
    -Commented and chatted on facebook on my laptop- 2 hours
    -Talked on the phone with my mom- 30 minutes
    -Checked mycoyote on my laptop- 30 minutes
    -Did my reading online for MHI on my laptop: 1 hour

    Total communication time: 14 hours

    Sunday, September 23:

    -Continued my reading for MHI on my laptop: 1 hour
    -Watched a movie on TV: 2 hours
    -Instant messaging on AIM on my laptop: 1 hour
    -Listend to pandora on my laptop: 1 hour
    -On the phone using instagram: 30 minutes
    -Commented and chatted on facebook on my laptop: 30 minutes
    -Browsed twitter on my laptop: 10 minutes

    Total communication time: 6 hours

    Instances of mass communication:

    -Watched tv episodes on youtube on my laptop: 1 hours
    -Listened to music on pandora on my laptop: 7 hours
    -Browsed twitter on my laptop: 1 hour and 40 minutes
    -Commented and chatted on facebook on my laptop: 2 hour and 30 min
    -Checked my coyote: 20 minutes
    -Did my reading for MHI online on my laptop: 2 hours
    -Watched a movie on tv: 2 hours
    -On the phone using instagram: 30 minutes

    Total time: 17 hours

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:

    -Checked and replied mail on yahoo on my laptop: 1 hour and 30 min
    -Talked on the phone with my mom: 30 minutes
    -Instant messaging on AIM on my laptop: 1 hour

    Total time: 3 hours

  13. Eric F. Walker
    Comm. 320
    tracking media use

    Day 1
    (Saturday 9/22/12 Media Use (7AM-12 Midnight)
    responded to texted messages - 5 min
    listened to voicemails - 5 mins
    checked email - 15 min
    read "Bible Is" app on ipad - 20 min
    texted my media team - 10 min
    Browsed online CSUSB website blackboard/mycoyote - 10min
    filled out 1 online job application 20 min
    talked on phone with relative - 10 min
    listened to mp3 player in car - 45 min

    Day 2
    (Sunday 9/23/12 Media Use (7AM-12 Midnight)
    talked on phone with relative - 5min
    email - 10 min
    listened to car FM radio station - 25 min
    texted - 10 mins
    read "Bible Is" app on ipad - 30 min
    watched reality tv show (wife's doing) - 2 hrs
    watch youtube clips - 1 hr
    shopped online - 15 min

    Both Days - Instances of mediated interpersonal communication:
    responded to texted messages - 5 min
    listened to voicemails - 5 mins
    checked email - 15 min
    texted my media team - 10 min
    talked on phone with relative - 10 min
    talked on phone with relative - 5min
    email - 10 min
    texted - 10 mins
    total - 1 hr 10 min

    Both days - Instances of Mass Communication:

    read "Bible Is" app on ipad - 20 min
    Browsed online CSUSB website blackboard/mycoyote - 10min
    filled out 1 online job application 20 min
    listened to mp3 player in car - 45 min
    listened to car FM radio station - 25 min
    read "Bible Is" app on ipad - 30 min
    watched reality tv show (wife's doing) - 2 hrs
    watch youtube clips - 1 hr
    shopped online - 15 min

    5 hrs 45 min

  14. Richard Bowie
    COMM 320

    [Saturday Usage, 3:45 AM - 11:30 PM]
    15 min - Listened to Rhapsody in my car on way to work
    5 min - Looked around on Instagram during break
    10 min - Chatting on Facebook during break
    10 min - Work e-mails, checking on employees
    45 min - Chatting/planning with friends on Facebook
    20 min - Listening to Rhapsody
    10 min - Use Instagram to show everyone what I've been eating
    2 hrs - Watching Teresa act like a ratchet on The Real Housewives
    5 min - iMessage Kevin, Hannah, Arnold
    2 hrs - Watch '24' on Netflix

    [Sunday Usage, 11 AM - 10 PM]
    5 hrs - The Real Housewives
    15 min - Instagrammin
    30 min - Meaningless Facebookin (chatting, commenting etc.)
    2 hrs - Listening to Rhapsody/iPod
    2 hrs - Watched the Emmy's
    45 min - Checking in and out of Facebook
    1 hr - Watched 30 Rock

    [Instances of Mass communication]
    15 min - Listened to Rhapsody in my car on way to work
    5 min - Looked around on Instagram during break
    20 min - Listening to Rhapsody
    *10 min - Use Instagram to show everyone what I've been eating
    2 hrs - Watching Teresa act like a ratchet on The Real Housewives
    2 hrs - Watch '24' on Netflix
    5 hrs - The Real Housewives
    15 min - Instagrammin
    2 hrs - Listening to Rhapsody/iPod
    2 hrs - Watched the Emmy's
    45 min - Checking in and out of Facebook
    1 hr - Watched 30 Rock

    Total amount of time using Mass communication: 15 hrs and 50 min

    [Instances of Mediated interpersonal communication]
    10 min - Chatting on Facebook during break
    10 min - Work e-mails, checking on employees
    45 min - Chatting/planning with friends on Facebook
    5 min - iMessage Kevin, Hannah, Arnold
    30 min - Meaningless Facebookin (chatting, commenting etc.)

    Total amount of time using Mediated interpersonal communication: 1 hr 40 min

  15. Rhonda Powell
    Comm 320-02
    Assignment 1: Tracking Media Use

    Saturday 9/22/12 and Sunday 9/23/12

    My Mediated Interpersonal Communication Methods and Times Were:
    Two cell phone calls: 30 minutes
    Sending and recieving text messages with two friends: 3 hours
    Checked email accounts with Yahoo and MyCoyote: 1 hour
    Surfed the web on Google: 1 hour

    My Mass Communication Method and Time Was:
    Watching a variety of comical DVD's: 22 hours

  16. Amanda Leyva
    Comm 320

    Saturday September 22

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication


    Text messaged Angelica -60 mins
    Text messaged group of friends on the way to the mall-60 mins


    Talked on the phone with Joel -20 mins
    Text messaged friends-60 mins


    text messaged friends-60 mins

    Mediated interpersonal total = 4 hrs 30 mins

    Instances of Mass Communication

    Morning :

    Listened to the radio in the car -30 mins
    Used internet for directions on phone-20 mins


    Used internet on phone for event information and directions -30 mins


    Read on the internet with my phone-15 mins

    Mass comm total= 1 hr 35 mins

    Day total= 6hrs 5 mins

    Sunday September 23

    Instances of mediated interpersonal communication


    Text messaged friends -30 mins

    Afternoon :

    Text messaged friends -60 mins


    Text messaged friends-60 mins

    Meditated interpersonal com total =2hr 30 mins

    Instances of Mass Communication

    Morning :

    Listened to radio in the car -30 mins
    Listened to radio in the car on the way home-30 mins
    Checked email -10 mins


    Read using internet on phone - 30 mins

    Mass comm total =1 hr 40 mins

    Total day = 4 hrs 10 mins

  17. Luz Hernandez
    Comm 320

    Assignment 1

    Saturday AM:
    Texted (on and off): 3 hrs
    Facebook Comments: 15 minutes
    Watched Harry Potter: 3 hrs
    Watched Spongebob: 30 minutes
    Talked on the phone with Mom: 10 minutes 14 seconds
    Talked on the phone with Husband: 5 minutes 45 seconds
    Talked on the phone with aunt: 7 minutes 5 seconds
    Posted picture on instagram: 30seconds
    Comments on Anna’s instagram pcture: 4 minutes

    Saturday PM:
    Watched “Keeping Up with The Kardashians”: 45 minutes
    Messaged Julie in Facebook: 15 minutes
    Watched “Signs” Movie: 1hr
    Posted Picture on Instagram: 30 seconds
    Replied to Comments on Instagram: 10 minutes
    Looked at Pictures on Instgram: 30 minutes
    Saw Status updates on facebook: 10 minutes

    Sunday AM:
    Checked Facebook: 10 minutes
    Watched Football: 1 ½
    Messaged Aunt on Facebook: 13 minutes

    Sunday PM:
    Checked instagram: 10 minutes
    Replied on Instagram Picture Comments: 15 minutes
    Checked Facebook: 30 minutes
    Watched True Blood Re-Run: 1 hr
    Replied on Facebook Post: 1 hr
    Checked twitter: 5 minutes
    Browsed Tumblr: 45 minutes
    Texted Mom: 10 minutes
    Texted Mother In Law: 15 minutes


    Texted (on and off): 3 hrs
    Facebook Comments: 15 minutes
    Talked on the phone with Mom: 10 minutes 14 seconds
    Talked on the phone with Husband: 5 minutes 45 seconds
    Talked on the phone with aunt: 7 minutes 5 seconds
    Posted picture on instagram: 30seconds
    Comments on Anna’s instagram pcture: 4 minutes
    Messaged Julie in Facebook: 15 minutes
    Posted Picture on Instagram: 30 seconds
    Replied to Comments on Instagram: 10 minutes
    Looked at Pictures on Instgram: 30 minutes
    Saw Status updates on facebook: 10 minutes
    Checked Facebook: 10 minutes
    Messaged Aunt on Facebook: 13 minutes
    Checked instagram: 10 minutes
    Replied on Instagram Picture Comments: 15 minutes
    Checked Facebook: 30 minutes
    Replied on Facebook Post: 1 hr
    Checked twitter: 5 minutes
    Browsed Tumblr: 45 minutes
    Texted Mom: 10 minutes
    Texted Mother In Law: 15 minutes


    Instances of mass communication:
    Watched Harry Potter: 3 hrs
    Watched Spongebob: 30 minutes
    Watched “Keeping Up with The Kardashians”: 45 minutes
    Watched “Signs” Movie: 1hr
    Watched Football: 1 ½
    Watched True Blood Re-Run: 1 hr

    Total instances of mass communicationL 7 hrs 45 minutes

  18. Kelsey Grimes Weekend Media Usage

    -Make Phone Call to College, Eric, and Credit Card Company (30mins)
    -Internet Research for School (3hrs)
    -Listened to the radio in the car (15mins)

    -Played w/ apps on my phone (1hr)
    -Watched “House at the End of the Street” (2hrs)
    -Listened to radio in the car (15mins)
    -Watched “The Office” (30mins)
    -Called Eric (10mins)

    Interpersonal Comm: 40 mins
    Mass Media Comm: 7hrs

    - Listened to Pandora getting ready for work (30mins)
    -Texted Gianna (5mins)
    -Called Teaghen (2mins)
    -Listened to the radio on the way to work (45mins)
    -Listened to the same 2 TV advertisements at work (8hrs) {I suppose this counts since its still media I am consuming against my will}

    -Listened to the radio on the way home (45mins)
    -Called Eric (15mins)
    -Listened to the radio on the drive to Erics (15mins)
    -Scream 4 & some Big Bang Theory (3 & ½ hrs)
    -Listened to Radio on the drive home (15mins)
    -Called Eric (5mins)

    Interpersonal Comm: 27 mins
    Mass Media Comm: 13hrs 45mins

    Interpersonal: 67 mins
    Mass Media: 20hrs 45mins
